Executive Committee

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Melinda Thompson, President

The President shall serve as representative and spokesperson of the AWSL, preside over meetings of the Board and Executive Committee, coordinate and direct activities of the Board, collaborate with the referee assignor and field representative, and create game schedules. The President shall appoint all committees, with the exception of the Executive Committee, subject to approval by the Executive Committee. It shall be the duty of the President to enforce the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules of the AWSL. The President shall act as liaison for the AWSL to all affected organizations.

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Lisa McNerney, Vice President

The Vice President shall assist the President with league activities, act as substitute for the President in her absence and/or upon request, manage player registration/status, and act as the chairperson of the Tournament Committee, organize other special competitions, and assist in other duties as needed.

Glenda Flanagan, TreasurerThe Treasurer shall prepare and maintain an operating budget for the following fiscal year and present such budget to the Executive Committee for approval by June 30. The Treasurer shall also prepare a report of the previou…

Glenda Flanagan, Treasurer

The Treasurer shall prepare and maintain an operating budget for the following fiscal year and present such budget to the Board for approval by December 31. The Treasurer shall also prepare a report of the previous budget year and present this report to the first Board held after the end of the fiscal year. The Treasurer shall help collect team fees, fines, and other income, make authorized expenditures, and keep receipts of all expenditures. The Treasurer shall ensure that Federal tax forms and filings are completed in a timely manner.

Jamie Lankes, SecretaryThe Secretary shall record the minutes of each Board meeting and incorporate changes in the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules of the AWSL.

Jamie Lankes, Secretary

The Secretary shall record the minutes of each Board meeting and incorporate changes in the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules of the AWSL. The Secretary shall also act as parliamentarian at all Board and Executive Committee meetings.

Paige Butler, Division I CommissionerThe Division One Commissioner shall act as the liaison between the teams in her division and other appropriate parties. The Division Commissioners shall advise the Senior Commissioner on matters that arise within…

Sara Garcia, Communications & Media Director

The Communications and Media Director shall communicate special scheduling situations, events, and other league information to players. The  Communications and Media Director shall drive media communications across multiple platforms to promote AWSL.

AWSL Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules

Click here

AWSL Prohibited Conduct Policy

Click here

Meeting Minutes

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